Pauline Tshuma
Paulina is a community member within the HIV/AIDS sector for over 20 years. She has been involved with the following organizations: Africans In Partnership Against AIDS (APAA), the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP), Positive Youth Outreach, Voices of Positive Women, the Toronto People With AIDS Foundation (PWA), the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT), The Teresa Group, Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN), the International Community for Women Living with HIV, Women’s Health In Women’s Hands (WHIWH), the Committee for Accessible AIDS Treatment (CAAT), the Children’s Aid Society Ontario (CAS), and lastly as co-founder and vice-chair of Latinos Positivos. Paulina has helped to shape the policies, services and research within the HIV/AIDS sector. She has fought to ensure that GIPA and MIPA are an integral part of the network and that they were operational in ways that worked for African, Caribbean and Black people living with HIV in Ontario and Canada at large.