Disclosure Experiences
How Do I Tell My Kids – Audio Discussion
In this audio discussion, 4 parents from TTG families are interviewed and they discuss their personal experiences around disclosing their HIV status to their children and grandchildren.
The purpose of the project is to provide helpful insight to parents who have not yet disclosed to their family and are curious to know how to initiate the dialogue of disclosure with their kids. In the audio, you will hear about when parents decided to disclose, the reactions they experienced, personal advice and much more.
The discussion is hosted by TTG staff member, Josianne, and with the support from the OHTN multimedia specialist, Guy McLoughlin.
To help reduce HIV stigma, conversations around disclosure need to happen and are a part of reducing stigma by starting these discussions in the family home. The Teresa Group is honoured to be a part of this process and hopes that this resource will be of service.
How do I Tell my Kids Booklet
This booklet is for adults who are thinking about telling their children that someone in the family is living with HIV.
HIV-Disclosure-Booklet-ENGLISH-PRESSUn guide sur le dévoilement du VIH au sein de la famille
Une version française ci-dessous.
What is One Stop Talk/Parlons maintenant?
One Stop Talk/Parlons maintenant (OST/PM) offers free virtual counselling services and seamless entry into child and youth mental health services across Ontario. The program serves as a single access point to mental health services for children and youth aged 0-17, connecting them with registered and experienced therapists across the province. Our agency’s therapists and an integrated network of province-wide infant, child, and youth mental health agencies support this program.
Service Details
- Counselling by registered therapists spanning Ontario, including our agency’s therapists
- Immediate access to free therapy; no prior booking or appointment required
- Focuses on addressing one issue at a time and provides the freedom to access the service as many times as needed
- OST/PM is not anonymous – the program requires children and youth to provide information about themselves, including their name, date of birth, and postal code, to receive service
- Start with a conversation, leave with a plan. No matter why you connect, children and youth co-create a personalized plan with their therapist, which is shared with them
- Navigation services are available if additional assistance beyond the session is needed. OST/PM directly refers clients to additional services as close to them as possible in the child and youth mental health sector
- OST/PM has dedicated Francophone therapists and interpretation services to over 200+ languages, including ASL
Who can contact One Stop Talk/Parlons maintenant?
- Children and youth (aged 0-17 years) located in Ontario
- Parents and caregivers located in Ontario are recommended to access the service with their child(ren)
When is the service available?
- Monday to Friday, 12 PM to 8 PM EST
- Saturday 12 PM to 4 PM EST
Entry to the service closes 45 minutes before posted closure time to allow all clients to be served by end of service
What can we help with? No issue is too big or small. If it’s important to you, it’s important to us.
To connect with a therapist, visit onestoptalk.ca or call at 1 855 416 8255.

Links to some HIV and AIDS related websites:
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
AIDS Committee of Toronto
AIDS Community Care Montreal
Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention
Asian Community AIDS Service
Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention
Camp Moomba (Western Canadian Pediatric AIDS Society)
Canadian AIDS Society
Canadian HIV Legal Network
Family Service Association of Toronto
HALCO (HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario)
Health Canada HIV and AIDS page
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development
Kids Help Phone
Live Positive
Let’s Talk
One Stop Talk
Ontario AIDS Network
Ontario HIV Treatment Network
Toronto People With AIDS Foundation (PWA)
Positive Youth Outreach
Poz Canada
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands